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Magdalena Mactas
Jun 21, 20211 min read
In other people's shoes: Audiovisuals for social impact in a post-truth world.
Magdalena Mactas is an anthropologist, storyteller, audiovisual creator and communication specialist with over 10 years of experience in Ins

Magdalena Mactas
Apr 12, 20213 min read
Notre monde en quarantaine : Holisme et fiction
Quand le quotidien rentre en phase d’émergence, les narratives de la fiction peuvent nous rassurer par le biais de l’identification. Mais...

Magdalena Mactas
Apr 10, 20213 min read
On how the sapiens beat his evolution.
Today is the International day of Multilateralism, and the Covid-19 pandemic reminded us brutally that we all live in the same global...

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